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Hormones and Society!

An acquaintance sent me this link a day ago when I was on the verge of abandoning certain things in the cyber space, but keeping that aside here's the video: :

"Dress code debate over schoolgirls 'distracting' boys
18 June 2014 Last updated at 02:56 BST
Most students in the US do not have to wear school uniforms, but that doesn't mean there isn't a battle over what clothes are deemed appropriate to wear in the classroom
Dress codes in most schools prohibit revealing outfits for girls such as short skirts or backless tops.
But some girls complain that the rules are enforced - and the girls then punished - because administrators think their clothes are 'distracting' to boys."

And from watching that video, there's one sentence in particular uttered by one of those fine damsel that struck be beyond measure. Unless you are already trying to make up your mind thinking that you "just know" the sentence ("that was when I felt my body was an object- when they would take a ruler and measure my thigh"), then NO!, it's not that! What struck me more was "Men are animalistic." It felt wrong somehow to me. Those were not words coming from that girl but rather from society. This pre-conceived idea pierced my ear like nothing else indeed!

Well, from a strict anthropological perspective- men are not animalistic as such. Keeping aside the biological factors that include some hormones that give them more power- physically or more chunks of muscles that are meant to make them look like they can defeat a jungle- I would perhaps argue that men are not necessarily animalistic. I wonder if it is a biological urge to be animalistic or a societal one? If the former is fine- then, are we still to consider human kind not to have still mutated to a stage whereby it could go in accordance with the civilisation it deems as being that of peace, enlightenment and prosperity? And if the latter is true- then it really is a sick job society is doing- and contrary to what this same society broadcasts, labelling, socialising/nurturing and upbringing men to be animalistic is nowhere near to the concept of civilisation.

So, coming back to the subject: by trying to cover women, are we not merely trying to suppress what society calls the beast in men? What the F is society doing to make things occur otherwise? 

Have you ever pondered on the fact that man could be submissive, could have the capacity to control themselves and very much endorse the female qualities- ( perhaps if girls like me- i admit-were eradicated, this could be possible- for we don't really give them an opportunity to prove themselves :( And that's what society at large does also!)- for some this man could be called a cissy but sociologist call this the  "New Age Man” -(The sensitive new age nice guy- although he says he wears no armor, he wears his issues on his chest;he's just trying to be kind, a gentle, sensitive, understanding, sweet man is really a good find. He likes to cook, he likes to clean, he has a very low self esteem.)

Have we ever considered the fact that men are not actually animalistic as society claims? Could it be that we might have long got over this claim had it not been for the perpetual proclamation that men are unable to imbibe virtues? Society is somewhere down the line creating what could have been avoided- making boys grow into animalistic beings. 

No, not in the sense that they are true beast etc, but in that subtle sense that baffles me. You know those moments where- not only when the school asks you to wear  a knee-length tunic so as not to distract boys- but when-especially in Indian households- have to bow down in front of the husband as advocated by the mother-in-laws of know their son's angst! Or those small thing like fearing being beaten up your husband or husband or boyfriend. Sure again- this is not the grand truth- but it is not only a minority of men who abuse of women. I think the whole society does. Including, myself, all other women and even the good men! It's pathetic.

Because we are all supporting those ideologies subtlely despite trying to be egalitarian or radicalists. Somehow, society has been championing the image only to retain patriarchy. Because if men were no more to be animalistic- no more having the physicality- then women could live freely, without the fear of constantly being told that their skirts are 1 cm or 17 mm above their knees.

Somehow- machoness and physicality is what really promulgated men on the higher pedestal- not only did this turn everything to their advantage for they've been the first sex in history to be mastering things around- from philosophy, to the ... And somehow- this is the civilisation that this patriarchal world has defined as being what worth fighting for is. A kind where caring, female virtues are considered as inferior. One where male dominance is what truly makes things run.  
No wonder why wars are still seen as an option and peace even if it is now entering the space of diplomacy well, it's being carried out in the male manner of suppressing feelings and not really letting go of ancient enmities..

In that case, girls do get distracted by the awfully well-chiseled muscles of boys. The muscles that pulsate under that skin, the veins are try to fight for release from underneath- the way they slither on their calf a and arms- and that masseter-strong masseter bone! Hello, administration- ask them to start wearing long sleeves and trousers and perhaps a rugby head protector!

But here again- women are not animalistic! Aww- how wonderful- they can resist the temptation, they have cooonnttrrooooll!!!

Men- the poor chaps- they don't! :'(

Hello?! Just because  society has decided to control the way man and woman act out in opposite ways- you don't come and tell me that woman have control and man don't- because MAN DO HAVE CONTROL! Now, if it of sexual urges that you are talking about- then there are men who do have control, follow their steps! Oh- it's innate?! Really? Innate? But hey- how can you start respecting nature- and things being innate when you've been destroying it? Okay-fine, it's hormones?! Wow, right- hormones!

(Here, I honestly cannot say anything- because my personal belief- after I tried to solve the nature and nurture debate is that Hormones and Society control us more than we they do!)

So let's put our hands up to Mr. Hormones and Mrs.Society because they both give birth to more like us every second of the day! Cheers!

I love my life! :(

"In men, high levels of endogenous testosterone (T) seem to encourage behavior apparently intended to dominate -- to enhance one's status over -- other people. Sometimes dominant behavior is aggressive, its apparent intent being to inflict harm on another person, but often dominance is expressed nonaggressively. Sometimes dominant behavior takes the form of antisocial behavior, including rebellion against authority and law breaking. Measurement of T at a single point in time, presumably indicative of a man's basal T level, predicts many of these dominant or antisocial behaviors. T not only affects behavior but also responds to it. The act of competing for dominant status affects male T levels in two ways. First, T rises in the face of a challenge, as if it were an anticipatory response to impending competition. Second, after the competition, T rises in winners and declines in losers.  
 Men also employ courting tactics similar to those seen in other species. Have you ever walked into the boss's office and seen him leaning back in his chair, hands clasped behind his head, elbows high, and chest thrust out? Perhaps he has come from behind his desk, walked up to you, smiled, arched his back, and thrust his upper body in your direction? If so, watch out. He may be subconsciously announcing his dominance over you. If you are a woman, he may be courting you instead.
The "chest thrust" is part of a basic postural message used across the animal kingdom—"standing tall." Dominant creatures puff up. Codfish bulge their heads and thrust our their pelvic fins. Snakes, frogs, and toads inflate their bodies. Antelope and chameleons turn broadside to emphasize their bulk. Mule deer look askance to show their antlers. Cats bristle. Pigeons swell. Lobsters raise themselves onto the tips of their walking legs and extend their open claws. Gorillas pound their chests. Men just thrust out their chests.
Then there is the swagger with which young men often move to and fro. Male baboons on the grasslands of East Africa also swagger when they foresee a potential sexual encounter. A male gorilla walks back and forth stiffly as he watches a female out of the corner of his eye. The parading gait is known to primatologists as bird-dogging. Males of many species also preen. Human males pat their hair, adjust their clothes, tug their chins, or perform other self-clasping or grooming movements that diffuse nervous energy and keep the body moving.
Young women begin the attention-getting phase with many of the same maneuvers that men use—smiling, gazing, shifting, swaying, preening, stretching, moving in their territory to draw attention to themselves. Often they incorporate a battery of feminine moves as well. They twist their curls, tilt their heads, look up coyly, giggle, raise their brows, flick their tongues, lick their upper lips, blush, and hide their faces in order to signal, "I am here." "

But to bring it on an strictly societal level-(because biology seems to  righteously validate men's "animalism"..), it's mostly because society has not sexualised yet the diverse body parts of men- and even if you have Taylor Lautner, Sidhart Malhotra and Dwayne Johnson pulling out that sexual image- it would appear that sexualisation has a degree of extent when pertained to the two different sexes.



P.S. As Emerson put it, "Love is strongest in pursuit, friendship in possession." 
Love+Pursuit= Courtship
Courtship= Flirtatious relationship, allowance for dominance and submission

*Acquaintance- this is everything that went through my mind whilst watching that video! :P

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