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Showing posts from April, 2016

The myth of beauty

The following is a Guest Post and may not be in line with the philosophy of Our Alter Ego. I just wanted to give people the opportunity I always thirsted for but never got, which is a platform for expression. I hope you appreciate the endeavours.  Be Light,  Much Love, Iam Aehr. .  .  .        Being beautiful for women was and is still a trend that most of us follow. What do we not do to look perfect so that people are attracted to us? We have to take care of our skin, our body, our hair, and our nails. We put on makeup. We follow strict diets and do extreme workouts to get the desired body. Despite all the 'struggles' many of us still feel insecure about ourselves. Why is it so?       When questioned some women replied that they when they would not wear makeup they were not given enough attention as those who wore them. Now that they wear makeup to be approachable many of them are treated as 'attention whores'. In the so-called educated world we l

Impossible is nothing

The following is a Guest Post and may not be in line with the philosophy of Our Alter Ego. I just wanted to give people the opportunity I always thirsted for but never got, which is a platform for expression. I hope you appreciate the endeavours.  Be Light,  Much Love, Iam Aehr. .  .  . “My son’s blue eyes were shining, he was constantly looking up as if he was talking to God” said Sara Davidson. Those words showed the entire world how life can take an unexpected turn at any moment. The Air France aircraft left Tel Aviv on the 4 th July 1976 with 180 passengers aboard. The plane had to make a stopover in Greece before heading to Paris. The passengers were mainly Israelis with some 40 French people. Sara Davidson and her family were going to spend their holidays in France since the academic year was over. The stopover in the Athene was just a normal procedure where some 20 additional passengers joined the flight. The departure was scheduled for noon and everythin

You are enough

The following is a Guest Post and Guest Posts are not usually in line with the philosophy of Our Alter Ego. But this one here, is almost in line with it. I bet that's why they say friends have similarities on so many levels. Shammouille, thank you for penning this. It could not have been any more accurate and perfectly place. Yes, we all have internal conversations about ourselves that make us feel really down. And contrary to popular beliefs, as teenagers we have faced such mini-depressions so many times. They are days where you wake up and just want to have been dead rather. But then we pick our tiaras up and smile into the broad sky. Self-love. It's so important.  Be Light,  Much Love, Iam Aehr. .  .  . Ever experienced that awful feeling of not being enough? Not being worthy enough, not being deserving enough? Remember those crappy days when you woke up, wanting nothing more than to just curl up and drift back to sleep, simply because that small vo

How to Write Naturally?

Some of you have been inboxing with words that flew like: Sometimes I have difficulties, to write. To vary the vocabulary, put a thought down. I get a block. I struggle. I have taken excerpts of a conversation to set up the following. Thanks to the interlocutor. Here are some tips that worked for me! How to improve the vocabulary? 1.   I think one interesting thing to do is to have a   bank of synonyms   in your mind. It should click as soon as a word comes from your mind or you read a word. For instance, if you read the word   'measurable'   you should instantly have other words like   'fathomable', 'quantifiable', 'gaugeable'   coming to your mind.       2.   And then vocabulary also has a lot to do with   soulful writing,   I feel. At least that's the case for me. I don't sit down with a vocabulary copybook or a list learned by heart. At times, you just get inspired or let yourself sink in the atmosphere, and the words com

Second Q&A

Hello everyone and welcome to Our Alter Ego, the blog through which we connect to you lovely people.  Today we are going to answer three questions everyone asks. So  Number One: What does Our Alter Ego mean?  Well, Our Alter Ego has a lot of depth as meaning. Someone's Alter Ego is actually their other personality. Apparently, all of us has this angel and demon self. Our Alter Ego is an extension of that very concept, except that here we don't have merely two different selves.  One moment you want to be the eternal passionate lover, and the next you just want to be the fiery, feisty, young independent opinionated lady. Another moment you want to be that obedient daughter and the next you want to challenge your parents.  To cut it short; Our Alter Ego is simply about living all the different aspects of our personality out. I believe that a lot of our loyal readers would notice that many of our articles are subjective in nature as well as one-sided.