A long, long, long time ago, during a time period in which people walked on streets covered in human sh*t, courageous men of the Middle Ages trained for the very real prospect of gracefully courted gentle, docile women in the name of chivalry.
If I were to go into the semantics of the word, you would want it dead, too. The historical definition of chivalry is, literally, for a man to cater to the weak.
I don’t know about you, but I am no weakling, so I’m ready to cast any modern-day variation of this definition that may imply I am weak and therefore need saving to the side.
I want to live in a world in which men choosing to adhere to traditional masculine roles and women choosing to adhere to traditional feminine roles is considered an equal partnership, not where one set of roles is considered “valiant” and another set of roles is considered “lessening.”
Even more so, I want to live in a world in which gendered relationship roles are interchangeable because they have equal worth, which means we can choose to abide by either set of roles without any kind of social consequences.
I’m positive that you are just as capable of cleaning the house, cooking dinner, taking care of children and being as nurturing as I am; I promise, your masculinity won’t be revoked if you do any of these things.
I’m also positive that, just like you, I am capable of paying for the dinner bill, mowing the lawn, opening the door, making a substantial amount of money and killing bugs.
While we were taking part in MUN, in our commission room, there were tons and tons of guys and only few girls. We unfortunately have to move tables in order to sit together. We had our heels, formal dress, proper hair and things like that on. The guys suited up, diplomatic, hot, gentlemen looks - GENTLEMEN IN MY ASS!!!!!!! FOUR GIRLS WERE MADE TO MOVE TABLES AND NONE OF THEM MOVE THEIR BONY, HOT ASSES TO HELP OUT. It's not like we need them. We are women, we have vaginas, we give birth to babies without dying. They have balls, you kick them there, they die! Filthy boys... To them, I'd like to share this picture: