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White weather | India

I don't like Manali at all.
It's just not my type of weather. I'm the sunny type of person, warm, cuddly and fuzzy.
Over here, everything is cold and... Cold. People keep to themselves. Arms crossed on the chest.
Everything's alien to me. Chinese-looking people speaking Hindi: Tibetans.
Reddened cheeks of the folks due to a lack of oxygen and hence high concentration of haemoglobin.

Cute wooden chalets with the walls made of clean dry grey rounded polished stones or galets.
Everything nestled amidst dark moist brown long pine trees with the green snow laden canopy shading the fuming chimneys.

Fumes from everywhere. The little cups of chai, the matkas filled with hot milk and the people engaging in the very restricted conversations.
I always thought that it was an exciting idea to talk and have vapour coming out of the buccal cavity. But it's not. It definitely is not when you feel your vocal chords paralysed with the murderous chillness. Moreover, in Manali, you don't breath out air but rather that same vapour, literally!

We decided to skip the snow biking experience. We've had enough of the other snow activities we performed in Shimla: Zip lines, valley bridge crossing, bungee jumping, skiing and tube sliding.

Yes, it was freaking cold. My brother got scared for a while thinking that his feet and hands had died for an eternity and that he would henceforth be deprived of any means of locomotion.

I'm being able to write right now because we are seated at an Italian hut devouring some pizza after a huge while for lunch.

I have an upset belly, I think i might go into the diarrhoeal phase. Hopefully, I won't have to reach there.

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