As a child, what we all want is to grow up. We don't really value the bliss of not having to deal with real life hardships and letting the grown ups deal with the serious problems.
Undeniably being a grown up (in terms of age) allows you to do many things you would not have been able to do as a kid; voting, going out alone, taking your own decisions or even going to a nightclub (which by the way is the one thing I can't wait to do once I'm eighteen!).
But one should know the implications of growing up too quickly or at least showing people around us that we are grown ups. Once people in your surrounding stop treating you as a child, it's a whole new experience that you'll face. In my case, it has not been a very good one! Being someone who has always tried to act maturely in front of my parents, the latter no longer feel the need to hide the problems and apprehensions they have in life. Basically, they showed me that life is not as rosy as I believed when I was younger.
You would think I am glad, this is what any teenager would want; for their parents to take them more seriously and consider them as equals, but I'm not. Recently I faced a situation where I was really happy and then my mother started to talk to me about a particular problem she is having. Being a person who is very easily affected by my environment, this was enough to kill my happy mood and again this constant worry of the future came forward, slowly eating out any happiness I had felt that day.
No doubt that there is a difference between growing up and aging. But it is also true that one should grow up and age at more or less the same rate. Having grown up earlier than I should have ( I believe I have), I realize I worry more about grown ups problems than they do. This made me conduct some research on the relation between age and coping with stress. Turns out older people do tend to handle problems better than young people.
So, basically I wasted so many days worrying about stuff I can't change! But I learnt that one should try to enjoy the moment because it won't come back. And when you do face the "real life" problems, sit down and reflect upon it. The solution is simply ti reflect upon it calmly. The best solution is usually the simplest one! Life is full of beautiful things to be experienced. So, live life to the fullest, spread love, be nice to people and forgive!
PS: Growing up early did not get me to a nightclub! Its useless! ;)
"One must simply take the days of their lives as they happen. If you spend time worrying over what is to come, which may or may not happen, then you will be wasting precious days you will wish in the future you could have cherished a bit longer." -R.J.Gonzales, Mundahlia.
I've been glad (although i don't believe this is appropriate to say now) that i'm not the only one who ever faced the disadvantages of early maturing.
"We are always taught how young people ought to get into education. However I felt that as a young child, I have not been taught enough. I grew up somewhat too fast as compared to children of my age. I have always limited my conversations about philosophy, politics and views on contentious issues. I also found it easier to talk with those who were ten to fifteen to years older than I was. From that I had the opportunity to take a long deeper look at my inner-self and at the matters of the world from a very young age. It was difficult for me to make friends with people my own age. Most twenty year olds do not think about life too deeply, so there was not much I shared in common with age peers. I’ve never regretted that-but it feels suffocating at a point to be excessively delved into older people….I‘ve been trying to integrate my age group’s world by finally trying to understand them" - +Aehr Rhea
I guess we're in this together! :)😃