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To be awfully honest, I don't have anything to write about right now, and this saddens me. It’s been a while since I have been able to sit down and write something that came to me really passionately. I was simply waiting for ‘the moment’ as I always used to, but it’s not coming that naturally lately. I guess it’s the school hangover.

8th September 2014

OK. I don't exactly know what to pen, but here I am writing something which I hope I'll complete. My cousin is leaving us all tomorrow to go to a foreign land with her husband. I'm sort of feeling sad, given she used to stay at mine and obviously two young girls who get to spend the night together is equal to all the gossips, the love matters, the boy friends and the happenings. They used to be intense nights, both of us lying in bed with Candy right in the middle. If you had replaced my darling doll by my brother, I bet the hands would have talked more than the mouth for he would have started a pillow fight it worse a tickling battle. But we made sure to leave him downstairs before rushing to our slither under our cosy quilt.

There's so much that we used to talk about. Advices, what to do next situations amongst others. I'm definitely going to miss those moments now that I'll never get these back. All of my cousins have grown much older, each of them packed in their routine lives.

10th March 2016

I am a boring person who prefers visiting a museum or library to learn about history, theology and cultures rather than partying. I am a lover of people and their interactions.

Whenever I go about my daily activities, watch a movie, interact with people, I relate what unfurls in front of me to sociological concepts that I have learned. Sociology is wonderful to me because it touches almost every aspect of life. I will often ask new parents why they chose to decorate their babies’ rooms pink or blue according to their gender, pick up a row for some of my uncles labelling a certain minority ethnic group as being lazy and immediately react to common stereotypes such as “All women are lousy drivers!”, or “All youngsters are vandals!”

The field I want to be in is so badly promoted on my island that I have had no sense of direction. Mauritians always have a definite idea of what a doctor does, what a scientist does, what an undercover agent does. They have no idea if society is even studied from a scientific perspective. Until I took up Sociology in Junior School, I have been feeling like I have myself introduced myself to the field while the rest of my friends have been guided till there. And while I have to scrutinize carefully to find a role-model, the rest of my friends have plenty of that.

I think sociology provides me with a strong liberal arts preparation needed for positions in the criminal justice system, business, social service and government which my country badly needs. I see myself as someone who is going to come back to my island to bring innovative ways of living and ideas to share and make my island progress on the social philosophy front.

Until next time,
Much love,

.  .  . 


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