What saddens me about this Mauritian Political arena is that it in no way resembles a political arena- perhaps the fault lies in me, perhaps it’s that I got all the concept of politics wrong. But then, trying to stand straight all over again, I tried to grasp the real meaning of politics through some intense reading. And I must say I have come to one conclusion, Politics In Mauritius is about people, not ideas. Ask any Mauritian if they understand the concept of socialism, of liberalism, of conservationalists…LOL.. It would not ring a bell. Ask about the what X's political dynasty did for them, and they speak like a waterfall. Who’s interested in the manifesto? And even if we were, everything sensical and note-worthy news go drowning into the ocean of dirty, and useless not so political news- but rather political gossips and happenings. I am not here to discuss events, I’m here to discuss ideas. But apparently the rest of the homo sapiens of this island are not ve