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Happiness comes from Gratitude

Remember when you were younger and you’d race home from school with a heart full of joy just because school was out? Think back to what made you happy as a child and you’ll probably find it was the small mini-experience that made your heart race, rather than the big wondrous experiences we crave as we get older. How you used to be happy with that little plastic car?

How at the thought of your favourite cartoon you would beam excitedly?!
Where has it all gone you must be wondering right now?!That glim in the innocent dilated pupils? The sheer love for life? The happiness surrounding your small head?!

Make sure you focus on fulfillment and enjoy the journey of your story. Live every page, and savor every word, just make sure to live each day as if it were your last. Live in the Moment and Embrace the Present.

There’s no use in waiting for tomorrow to arrive, hoping that it will bring you more of what makes you happy. Today is all you have, right now is all you have and you need to find ways to be happy in this moment. Enjoy your family, live your dreams, let your imagination soar, whatever it takes because this is your journey.

When you’re in sync with your purpose, you are more likely to feel content and happy. If you don’t know what your values and purpose in life really are, then take a good hard look at what you stand for as well as what really makes your heart sing. See the Wonder of the Simplest Things.

Take time out every day and enjoy the simple things in life. Many millionaires have found out that money isn’t everything and chasing life’s big pleasures instead of the small ones is futile in the pursuit of happiness because you are as likely missing tiny sparkling diamonds that are strewn across your life’s path.

Give, Give, Give. “Give and you shall receive,” but how about forgetting about the receiving bit and just give, give and give some more? Giving of yourself, your time or a percentage of your money will most likely reward you with huge chunks of happiness – it’s a universal law.
Gratitude, being nice, thinking positively — these are all things that are easier to talk about than to practice. Being grateful is a habit that’s worth cultivating.

Write a daily gratitude list. Before you start your day, at the end of each day or whenever you have a spare five to ten minutes, write a list of ten things you’re grateful for. They don’t have to be big things — just look around you and ask yourself, in this moment, what am I grateful for? Clothes to keep me warm, a hot cup of tea, good company … ?  If you do this every day, I can assure you that after a few weeks, or even days,  you will feel much happier. 

Reflect on your day before going to sleep. Before you go to sleep each night, thing about something great that happened to you in the day that just passed. Even if you think nothing amazing happened, think of something small you were grateful for. If you can’t think of anything, keep searching. Even if it’s ‘I love this pillow,” hold that thought and spend several minutes reflecting on how grateful you are, then let yourself drift peacefully to sleep. 

Observe your thoughts for a week. What do you think about for the majority of the time? What do you spend most of your time talking to others about? Are you aware of this? A lot of the time, we drift through life with no idea where we’re putting most of our energy. Spend one week objectively observing your thoughts without judgement. You might like to write them down, then reflect on the exercise after the week is up. If you spend the majority of your time complaining, make a mental note to change your thinking habits. With time, you’ll find yourself being less negative and more objectively positive. Remember, thoughts act as affirmations when repeated enough. 

Be mindful of what you’re intentionally or unintentionally manifesting. Replace complaints with compliments. You don’t have to go overboard with this one — after all sometimes a person just needs to vent — but next time you open your mouth to say something unconstructive or hurtful, reverse it. Aim to give a compliment a day. You’ll feel happier and more grateful. 

Write a gratitude letter. Write a letter expressing gratitude for someone or something that is annoying to you.  Try to be grateful for what this situation is teaching you–find the lesson in it.  this will help to turn your thinking process in a positive direction, and will help you to accept and learn from things you might otherwise reject. 

Realize that gratitude is a choice.You’re in the driver’s seat of your life, and you can choose how to react and how to think.  If you’re committed to positive thoughts and attitudes, you will be happier, healthier and more fulfilled.

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