Not all dreams come true. We all have that one dream that we keep close to our heart, guarded against the outside world and its harshness. We talk about this dream with only close people because they are the only one who will understand and not judge or pass silly and nasty comments about it. That dream may be about you obtaining the job you desire the most or buying your own house or something too-incredibly-divine-to-be- good: Becoming your crush’s crush one day… But then it could be bad when infatuation is not mutual. It worsens when you come to know that your crush holds negative thoughts about you or already has someone special in his life. This is the moment when you see your dreams and your imaginary lovey duvey world crumbling into pieces! You feel the hurt, the anger, the envy, the resentment, the jealousy all at the same time! You want to lash out, smash everything around you –But at the same time you want to curl yourself into a ball and cry yourself to sleep to es