Less her,
is no definite,
twinkles through the sweet moonlight.
Let her name crown mine
till our infinite,
She is loved, in the
bristling day and the charming night.
Mount our dwelling in her
serenading trails,
She, the beauteous abodes
in our scintillating orbs.
Mantled are thoughts of her
under the enchanting midnight feathers,
She quagmires us within her
soft breezes.
being, our pursuit and rosy evenings,
She seers
the thirst of our pink pulp-ings.
Let her name crown mine
till our infinite,
She is loved, in the
bristling day and the charming night.
Mount our dwelling in her
serenading trails,
She, the beauteous abodes
in our scintillating orbs.
Mantled are thoughts of her
under the enchanting midnight feathers,
She quagmires us within her
soft breezes.
Our hope,
our sky-high dreams, our universe of desires,
She breeds
the ecstatic utopia of memoirs.
Let her name crown mine
till our infinite,
She is loved, in the
bristling day and the charming night.
Mount our dwelling in her
serenading trails,
She, the beauteous abodes
in our scintillating orbs.
Mantled are thoughts of her
under the enchanting midnight feathers,
She quagmires us within her
soft breezes.
With her,
is an infinite,
twinkles through the sweet moonlight.
- An adaptation of 'Jiya Re' from Dahleez