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Divinity in Actions- Are you Part of It?

Are there times in your life when your instincts are pulling you down, when you are struggling to fight your inner demons, when you lack motivation, hope, or wisdom equal to what that occasion demands from you?  What if we cultivated a strong inner kinship with our heroes so they can silently, even without our knowing, nudge us to choose the right path when we encounter such forks in our road?

She accepted me as I am when others criticised me. What I wanted to do was to get closer to her. When my life took a turn of no return He rescued me. When I brought myself into deep problems, where I wasn't even thinking straight, he reordered my direction and brought from "darkness into the "light." He is that knight in shining armour, the alpha and omega, beginning and the end of all things. The author and finisher of my faith, he is my hero that I put all my faith and trust into regardless of what's happening around me. I know He will never leave me, nor forsake me, and She is all there is, always.

He is that friend that sticks closer than a brother, that one friend I can talk to about all my issues. She is my comfort because knowing just who he is and him knowing all that I go through gives courage, and strength to strengthen others. Most importantly what makes the Him my hero is that She loves and cares for me unconditionally. He loves me. He being my hero and loving me more than I love myself, Her love gives me all the assurance and security I need.
They are challenging in that they put the dare to me as no one and nothing ever has before. The dare to be better, the dare to be bigger than I have been, the dare to be the Source of a world in which anger, petty jealousy, sexual dysfunction, economic inequity, educational tomfoolery, social inequality and political secrecy, chicaneries and power plays are never again part of the human experience. They are uplifting in that they hold out the hope that all this is possible. Can we really build such a world? She says yes, and that all it takes is for us to really choose to do it.
Although there are many heroic characters, the hero I'm talking about changes and impacts lives too, just little changes, changes society. Who is my hero? God.

Today we shall find out WHO HE IS together. That is always the best way to find Her. Together. We shall never find Him apart. He is not apart from us, ever, and we only think we are apart from Her. It’s a common error. We also think we’re apart from each other. And so the fastest way to “find The Lord,” I’ve discovered, is to find each other. To stop hiding out from each other. And, of course, to stop hiding out from ourselves.

I believe that God exists and that God is the Supreme Intelligence behind and in everything. When I say “in” everything, I mean to assert that the Thing that I call Divinity is manifesting Itself in, as, and through all of Life. It is the underlying aspect, the foundational energy, of all that exists, in any and every form. This is another way of saying that it is in God that we live and breathe and have our Being. 

If any of this is true, then why does sadness and suffering exist? What form of Pure Intelligence or Perfect Love would kill and why? This is because most people do not know who they truly are, nor do they have an accurate understanding of what their relationship with God is. 

Thus, people think that most of them are at the effect of events and conditions such as conflict and war, financial collapse, political upheaval, violence and killing.  They believe that it is the tiny few who are in power who are creating them, and the masses are left to only endure them. And when it comes to so-called Acts of Nature, even the powerful few are thought to be at the effect of life. 

Whether it’s an act of Man or of Nature, our species is very clear: "It’s not our fault. We had nothing to do with it."

No human behavior has anything to do with global warming (which half the planet continues to deny is even occurring), earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes, raging wildfires, torrential rains, or tsunamis—or the increase in disease among the Earth’s people, such as the growing cancer rate, or the increase in early heart attacks, stroke, and Alzheimer’s. No human behavior has anything to do with the dying off of the bees (which, if it continues, is going to have a disastrous effect on pollination worldwide, and then on global food crops), or the increasing toxicity of our drinking water, or the fact that tests show that hamburgers from fast food chains rarely contain more than 15% real meat (and in some tests have been shown to contain only 2% actual meat), or the fact that more than 650 children die every hour on this planet because of starvation.

"When an entire culture refuses to believe that it has anything to do with what is occurring, it cannot do anything about what is occurring."

This, in 25 words, is a summation of the present reality on Planet Earth.

     “Love is the ultimate reality. It is the only. The all. The feeling of love is your experience of God. In highest Truth, love is all there is, all there was, and all there ever will be. 
     “This is very difficult for you to understand, much less emulate. Nevertheless, it is what every Master has ever done. It doesn’t matter what the philosophy, tradition, or religion --- it is what every Master has done.”
        “This is being laid out so clearly for you. Time and time again, over and over has it been shown to you. Through all the ages and through all your lifetimes. The Universe has used every contrivance to place this Truth before you. In song and story, in poetry and dance, in words and in motion --- in pictures of motion, which you call motion pictures, and in collections of words, which you call books. 
     “From the highest mountain it has been shouted, in the lowest place its whisper has been heard. Through the corridors of all human experience has this Truth been echoed:  Love is the answer.”

Prayer is intentioned Thought, and Thought is one of the Three Tools of Creation given to us by our Creator. Those tools are: Thought, Word, and Deed. Of these, Thought is the most powerful, because Thought is the least physical. Therefore it is the least dense, and thus the most far reaching, permeating all physical bodies, barriers and constructions.
Thought is creative. Thought is change. Change is Life. Life is Love. Love Is I. I makes a culture. The culture forms the world.
Therefore change YOUR THOUGHTS And Change THE WORLD.

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