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Showing posts from January, 2016

Farewell Party

It was 3 weeks ago that +Yusrah asked me to talk about the Farewell Party to the girls and I asked her to do so too. But little did I know that it would actually crystallize into yesterday's Hoopa-Loopa fabulous day! Sure! With the amount of solidarity we have as a batch and initiative some girls are willing to take, we were sure to get something going. We did miss many who could not make it due to personal reasons, internships and vacations abroad; not a doubt about that. But we also did have a lot of fun. Invite: "Farewell is a time for the closing of one cycle, an emotional period. Our senior students have been great companions and friends. As we stand on the threshold of our new lives, let’s get together one last time over dance, music and memories."     Yesterday was always a place of unrestrained joy and nostalgia. The +Coachella Theme lit up the summer's day: a riot of colors and flowing veils to rival any gardener's paradise. Music filled t

Who I Have Been

Returning home from tuition. Just that this time it's a different feeling. Exams are in full swing and I'm not feeling any rush to get back home. Just very tired. Half of the papers have concluded today. 9 more to go . Two subjects have already ended and there's the third one ending this Friday. I'm seriously willing time to pass quickly. I want the holidays to be here as soon as possible. I just hope not to be disappointed because I'm looking forward to a fun-loaded holidays; yes you got it right: some visits to the museums are included as well! :P  I just want to work so really hard right now for me to allow myself to have fun three weeks from now. I'm the hardest when it comes to deserving a break. I honestly would feel guilty to dance or hang out with the girls if I feel I didn't give my best. So the formula to be guilt-free is to really rock the papers.  I'm a very studious person by nature but that doesn't mean I do not have m

Workplace Harassment

Roselyn: I always talk super professionally and formally and attempt to keep every relationship with a person who is meant to be strictly be kept at bay for obvious reasons. There's a colleague at work though who doesn't seem to understand that he has to change the way he talks to me or behave according to ethics. He is in his late twenties and is extremely creepy. Creepy because I do not like anyone telling me things on how attractive I am physically. Creepy because I do not like every Tom, Dick or Harry that pops up to call me 'dear'. Creepy because he questions me about things I do not want and do not have to answer. Marguerite: Maybe 'dear' is a way of addressing to everyone. Like what things? Can you try to be distant from him? Not talk to him at all. Or be far from him. And certainly never be alone with him anywhere? Roselyn: According to professional rules, I did not giv

Today with modern technology, not just journalists but everyone can create news. Discuss the effects of these developments.

Intro:  With the advent of modern technologies, a new phenomenon has seen the dawn: citizen journalism. This somehow has been possible with reporting tools such as camcorders, voice recorders and digital notebooks having successfully integrated pocket-sized daily used smart devices. Today, the populace is no longer the passive audience nut it also plays a deeper and more preponderant role in participating in media broadcasting, especially with the easily accessible virtual social networks. These are quicker in news delivery than established traditional media such as the radio and television for the simple reason that people are connected on a 24-hour basis to their tabloids or social networking profiles! Thus, not only create news, any ''online'' person can do so. The effects of this spiralling uptrend require a diagnosis in order to make out whether it is a boon or a bane.  Negative Effects: To begin with, it is primordial to understand that the mediati