Human beings are communal creatures and such I believe that we have an inherent need to fit in. But does this need to familiarize in turn cause a primal instinct to discriminate? It is indeed human nature to judge things; an ability that has enabled our very survival to be just. However reckless, uneducated, biased and callous judgment instigates inequity and injustice. But are we all really equal? The answer is No . There are countless factors that affect equality, cultural and general, local and global, most of which only serves to feed bigotry and intolerance. So why then do we cling to such disparity? Why not level the playing field? Thus, Communism was born. An incredible sociological, political and economic notion and concept brought into theory by two German philosophers Karl Marx and Fredrich Engles, and first implemented by Lenin and further established by Stalin. It sought to eliminate the boundaries of social class and wealth and promote common owner